Wearing Invisalign aligners is a nice alternative to traditional metal brackets and wires. But what if teeth are not moving as they should? If you are one of these individuals who need extra help to keep your changing smile on track, read on to learn more about Invisalign refinements and how they help keep teeth moving.
Do All Patients Need Invisalign Refinements?
No, not everyone who wears Invisalign aligners needs refinements, however, most cases benefit from refining trays. These trays are often recommended when teeth are not moving as they should or when teeth simply are not “tracking” into proper alignment as planned.
Throughout treatment, your orthodontist will closely monitor your progress to ensure there are no complications; however, when your teeth are not moving in a timely manner or along the correct path, Invisalign refinements may become necessary.
How Do They Work?
When deciding that your smile will benefit from Invisalign refinements, you can expect to receive custom-made aligners with re-positioned attachments. An updated scan of your teeth will be taken, and the case will be submitted to Invisalign to update the treatment plan.
The aligners will be tailor-made based on the kind of adjustment needed to put your smile back on track. Designed to exert pressure on various teeth at different stages of treatment, these refinement trays can help to reposition teeth so that they move into the proper position.
What Can Cause a Person to Need Refinements?
There are several reasons why refinements are necessary. These include:
- A patient is not wearing their Invisalign aligners 20-22 hours each day as prescribed
- A patient goes without wearing trays for prolonged periods because they are sick or suffer an injury
- Dental work is necessary which may change the shape of the teeth, therefore the original “pre-dental work” aligners no longer fit like they should
What Can You Do to Keep Treatment On Track?
- Wear your aligners 20-22 hours each day.
- Use Invisalign chewies to help ensure that your aligners fit correctly so that your teeth will move in the right direction.
- Practice good oral hygiene habits to prevent cavities and gum disease throughout treatment.
- Keep your follow-up appointments with your orthodontist to ensure they are closely monitoring your progress.
- Seek a replacement aligner right away if you accidentally lose or damage one at home.
The goal of orthodontic treatment is to provide you with the best smile and alignment possible. Refinement trays are one step in the process and one step closer to the GOAL!
About the Author
Dr. Frances Hamman completed her Doctor of Dental Surgery degree from Creighton University in 1991 and went on to receive a degree in orthodontics from Case Western Reserve University two years later. As a trusted orthodontist in Ripon, she remains committed to helping patients achieve straighter, healthier smiles. Contact us via the website or call (920) 748-7130 to find out if you need Invisalign refinements to keep your teeth moving in the right direction.